Middleman v1.1
Update: Middleman version 2.0 has been released
It's been a long time since I introduced Middleman on this blog in 2009. Since then, RubyGems reports that there have been 27,518 downloads, several great contributors to the source code and even a mention in a printed book.
I've been working hard on documentation as it was the most requested feature from the "Future of Middleman Survey". I'm a developer and I'm sorry to admit that my first documentation target is the code and generated documentation. Available at: http://middlemanapp.com/
I know, I need better, more tutorial-style written documentation for actual people. I'll be working on it as time permits, but I'd also love any assistance.
So, let's talk about the version 1.1. Originally, I planned to make 1.1 a simple update to use the latest features from Sass 3.1. However, as Sass took forever to actually ship, I tweaked, massaged and added a lot more stuff to the platform. Now, I'm releasing even though Sass 3.1 isn't out. C'est la vie. So, here's what's new:
- Now running on Sinatra 1.2
- Sass 3.1 beta & Compass 0.11 beta
- Feature/Extension API (see below)
- Simple YAML-based data for reusable content (see below)
- mm-build & mm-init now use Thor for templating
- Lorem Ipsum & placehold.it helpers (see below)
- mm-init templates, including HTML5 Boilerplate (see below)
- Built-in Rack config.ru for easy running on Heroku or under Pow (see below)
- Experimental JRuby support
- RubyGems-test support
- Using Bundler for packaging
Let's take a look at some of these in depth.
Feature/Extension API
All the "features" of Middleman can be enabled or disabled from your config.rb file. These features are now all using the Sinatra extension API which means it is very easy to add your own features or include features from other RubyGems. Here is an example Feature:
# In your config.rb or an external file/gem required in config.rb
module MyMiddlemanFeature
class << self
def registered(app)
app.helpers MyMiddlemanFeature::Helpers
alias :included :registered
module Helpers
def my_custom_helper
"Hello World"
# In config.rb
activate MyMiddlemanFeature
The above extension will add some helpers to your project. Of course, there is already the shortcut helpers block available in config.rb, but this extension could live anywhere. If you have some reusable components or business logic, you can place those in a gem, share it within your company and include it in config.rb. I use this for a custom grid-system I reuse on a lot of projects.
Of course, existing Sinatra extensions should work too. See more here.
Heavier static systems like Nanoc have a robust system for separating data from your HTML. This is great for sharing content across pages or having simpler files which content-focused co-workers can update without touching HTML. It's not documented, but because Middleman runs on Sinatra, it's possible to open database connections and pull data in that way already, but that's a bit must. Middleman 1.1 comes with a simple data API. Here's how it works:
- Create a folder in the root of your project named data
- Create as many .yml YAML files as you want
- Their contents will be made available in your templates as data["filename"]
For example:
// In PROJECT_ROOT/data/people.yml
- tom
- dick
- harry
// In my template
%h1 Friends
- data.people.friends.each do |f|
%li= f
Lorem Ipsum & Placehold.it helpers
The Frank project, a static tool also inspired by Sinatra, has a wonderful set of helpers for generating random text content and placeholder images. I'm adapted this code for Middleman (god bless the MIT license). The API is as follows:
lorem.sentence # returns a single sentence
lorem.words 5 # returns 5 individual words
lorem.paragraphs 10 # returns 10 paragraphs
lorem.date # accepts a strftime format argument
And to use placeholder images:
#=> http://placehold.it/300x400
lorem.image('300x400', :background_color => '333', :color => 'fff')
#=> http://placehold.it/300x400/333/fff
lorem.image('300x400', :random_color => true)
#=> http://placehold.it/300x400/f47av7/9fbc34d
lorem.image('300x400', :text => 'blah')
#=> http://placehold.it/300x400&text=blah
New Project Templates (HTML5 Boilerplate)
I've abstracted the templates used in mm-init so that it is easy to add new ones, but right now those templates have to live in the Middleman gem to work. In the future, I'll add support for extra templates in external gems or somewhere on the local machine like ~/.middleman. For now, enjoy the new template option, the wonderful HTML5 Boilerplate. It is used like this:
$ mm-init my_boilerplate_project --template=html5
create my_boilerplate_project/config.rb
create my_boilerplate_project/public
create my_boilerplate_project/public/404.html
create my_boilerplate_project/public/apple-touch-icon.png
create my_boilerplate_project/public/crossdomain.xml
create my_boilerplate_project/public/css/handheld.css
create my_boilerplate_project/public/css/style.css
create my_boilerplate_project/public/favicon.ico
create my_boilerplate_project/public/humans.txt
create my_boilerplate_project/public/images/.gitignore
create my_boilerplate_project/public/index.html
create my_boilerplate_project/public/js/libs/dd_belatedpng.js
create my_boilerplate_project/public/js/libs/jquery-1.5.0.js
create my_boilerplate_project/public/js/libs/jquery-1.5.0.min.js
create my_boilerplate_project/public/js/libs/modernizr-1.6.min.js
create my_boilerplate_project/public/js/mylibs/.gitignore
create my_boilerplate_project/public/js/plugins.js
create my_boilerplate_project/public/js/script.js
create my_boilerplate_project/public/robots.txt
create my_boilerplate_project/views
Rack-support by Default
Finally, a very simple Rack config.ru file is included in the default template. It's contents are:
require 'rubygems'
require 'middleman'
run Middleman::Server
This allows Middleman to easily run on a Heroku instance or under 37Signal's new Pow webserver.
As easy as ever:
gem install middleman
Please direct all questions and bugs to Github: https://github.com/middleman/middleman