Best Albums of the Year: 2011
I almost didn't write this article because I was so disappointed in 2011. Here it is anyways for posterity, I couldn't even manage to find 10 albums I like enough to list.
Top 7:
The Dear Hunter
The Color Spectrum
Progressive rockers decided to take a "small" break in the middle of their 6 concept album cycle to write a 9 concept album cycle. The Color Spectrum is 9 EPs, each representing a color on the spectrum, containing 36 total songs clocking in at 2.5hrs of music. And yet, it's listenable all the way through. I particularly like the straight rock of Red and the hopeful feeling in the closing White.
Coloring Book / Our Color Green
Glassjaw reemerged with 2 EPs to satisfy fans along with a handful of music videos and promises that a full-length is coming soon. Glassjaw is much darker, heavier and crushing in both theses EPs. I'm loving the direction.
Pianos Become The Teet
The Lack Long After
Caught somewhere between post-rock and post-hardcore, Pianos Become The Teeth continued to refine their sounds: beautiful interludes punctuated by explosive vocals.
Portugal. The Man
In The Mountain In The Cloud
Another year, another Portugal. The Man album. This year they released their "big label" debut which feels less free and more produced than past work. However, it doesn't really matter because the songs continue to be great and always fresh.
Touché Amoré
Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me
Hardcore songs are short and fast. Touché Amoré decided that 3 minutes was still too long and condensed everything on this album to less than 2 minutes, some only 60-70 seconds long. The result is pure energy that leaves you wanting to restart the album after it's 20 minute play-time.
Trey Parker, Matt Stone & Company
The Book of Mormon Soundtrack
Matt & Trey are very good at musicals. Cannibal the Musical is great and they wrote that with no budget in college. The South Park musical is exceptional, way better than that shitty Phil Collins' Tarzan soundtrack. The Book of Mormon blows both those away, along with a lot of the other musical theater classics. I can't wait to see the thing live.
Bomb The Music Industry!
I'm going to echo a million other reviews, this is punk rock's Pet Sounds.