Award-Winning Fjords Thomas Reynolds

Middleman Blog Editor

I'm incredibly excited to announce my holiday project: the Middleman Blog Editor. This is my first paid extension for Middleman and one that I hope will prove that the community is large and mature enough for 3rd-party features and extensions to have become valuable.

Middleman Blog Editor is an extension which uses Middleman Blog to provide a beautiful organizational interface and WYSIWYG editing. The UI can currently publish/unpublish articles, edit tags, change the article date and URL.

This extension makes it possible to host a Middleman Blog and give the editor URL to a client so they can add content. Files are modified in-place, so committing those changes to source control or deploying new builds is up to you.


Help make this experiment a success, you can purchase the extension for $6 at:

There will be 5 feature releases. Pricing will be a simple multiple of the price ($30), by the current version. Free updates for the entire 1.0.x line, after initial purchase.

Current Features and Roadmap

0.4 ($12)

0.6 ($18)

0.8 ($24)

1.0 ($30)


Official Website

Please refer to the official website for documentation and support:

Here's what it looks like:

Article List WYSIWYG Editor